Each 8 Pack Shipper comes with 2 inserts that hold 4 cans each. Start off by detaching the top and bottom sections along the perforated lines.
1. Once the detachable sections are off, fold the outer side flaps and small bottom flaps 90 degrees.
2. Fold up so the small bottom flaps sit on top of the full bottom flap. Then fold inner side flaps 90 degrees and fold front flap up so outer and inner side flaps meet.
3. Fold locking tabs over inner side flap and lock each tab at the bottom of the carton. After inserting dividers and cans as necessary, close the top flap of the carton and use the locking tab to secure.
Whale Pod 8 Pack Flat Rate Packing Instructions
1. To fold the divider properly, fold each solid crease in towards you. Each perforated crease should be folded away from you
2. Insert divider and insert cans into carton.
3. For 12oz cans, insert spacer pad so sides are pointed up and whale pod logo is facing up. For 16oz cans, no spacer is needed, just close carton and lock.
4. Fold long pads so the flaps meet in the middle and insert on top of each carton. These are not needed if you are using the thermal bags.